Although our social media feeds are currently full of tributes to the late, great Betty White (may she rest in peace), things will eventually go back to normal. Which means it’s time to solidify the social media plan for your small business.
Social media is only becoming more widespread, with 1.3 million new users joining every day in 2021. And with a global reach of 4.55 billion people across all platforms as of last October, you’d be crazy not to make social media a huge part of your marketing.
But what platforms should you use? What type of content should you post? And how can you get the most out of it? Here are our favorite tactics for 2022.
5 Social Media Tips for 2022
Use Overlap to Your Advantage
Did you know that 77.6% of Facebook users also use Instagram but only 49.2% use Twitter? Or that 23.4% of LinkedIn users are active on Reddit versus just 13.8% of Facebook users?
The takeaway? You don’t have to use every platform ever to reach your target audience, as long as you know where your audience spends the majority of their time. By focusing on a couple of the larger social media sites, you’re naturally reaching the smaller ones, too.
Solicit More User-Generated Content (UGC)
You can tell everyone that your products and services are the best thing since Betty White, but you’re probably biased.
If you can get your customers to say the same thing, however, that’s different.
Encourage your customers to post pictures of themselves enjoying your wares and tag your small business in them. With UGC, your satisfied customers are basically handling your marketing themselves – for free!
TikTok is a Thing Now
When TikTok first came on the scene, marketers were a bit skeptical about how useful the platform could be. But with over a billion users, it could be worth throwing your hat in the ring, especially if your target audience is on the younger side.
Bonus: Since the platform is relatively new and not at the top of anyone’s “must market here” lists, competition is a bit less fierce than on some of the bigger social channels.
“Sell” Less, Engage More
Yes, your small business needs to make money. But social media is still primarily for entertainment. And if every post you make is designed, however cleverly, to get people to open their wallets, you’re not going to be very popular.
Instead of dogmatically focusing on making a quick sale, take the time to engage with your audience. Listen to their wants and needs and gently guide them to the conclusion that your product or service is the answer to all their problems. The sales will come.
Kick Up Your Customer Service
If you buy something at Costco and have an issue with it for whatever reason, you’re probably going back to deal with it.
So why shouldn’t purchasing something on social media work the same way?
No one wants to call a 1-800 number and spend their lunch hour waiting on hold or shoot off an email to a website they’ve never visited before. By integrating customer service into your social media strategy, you’re keeping the entire transaction in one place and providing a better customer experience.
What’s Your Social Solution for 2022?
It’s a new year, but social media is still an integral part of any small business marketing plan. When you keep up with the current trends and paint your brand in the best light possible, you’re setting yourself up for success in 2022 and beyond!
Need more help developing your social media strategy? Let Mischa Communication take a turn at bat. Let’s make a plan.