What Does Google Want? A Guide for Compliance Firms
Compliance is a vital service and a highly regulated practice, so it stands to reason that potential clients will perform plenty of due diligence before deciding whether to hire...... More »
Compliance is a vital service and a highly regulated practice, so it stands to reason that potential clients will perform plenty of due diligence before deciding whether to hire...... More »
If your business has brick-and-mortar locations, you need to approach search engine optimization (SEO) a bit differently than you would if you were online-only. Optimizing for local SEO leads...... More »
Albert Einstein said, “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” If he’s to be believed, then Google must be pretty darn intelligent, because the search engine giant...... More »
When someone visits your small business’s website, how do they get there? What search term did they enter to bring them straight to your virtual doors? Did they find...... More »
If you thought a global pandemic could keep Google from its planned core algorithm update, we have news for you. The update began rolling out on May 4 and...... More »
Voice search is taking over. “Hey Google, find me the nearest auto repair shop.” “Alexa, order a large pepperoni and mushroom pizza from Papa John’s.” “Siri, give me directions...... More »
Imagine you’re on vacation in an unfamiliar city. It’s been a long trip, your flight was delayed twice and turbulence over Tucson resulted in the beverage service being canceled....... More »
Small business is increasingly going electronic. But is the switch from brick-and-mortar locations to e-commerce cause for concern? According to a recent Gallup poll, 15 percent of small business owners...... More »
Google is a secretive beast. No one is ever quite sure how and why they prioritize one site and shove another to the bottom of the barrel. And because...... More »
If a blog post pops up on the internet but no one is around to read it, does it make an impact? The short answer is “no.” The long...... More »