
Consumer Education: A Key to Your Small Business’ Success

professional development

The advent of the internet has turned people into a discerning lot. It’s no longer enough to sell the best whirligig – your customers want a six-page white paper and a double dose of reviews telling them why it’s the best whirligig.

Consumer education isn’t just a marketing buzzword anymore; it’s a must-do if you’re looking to stay ahead of your competition.

Here’s how to boost your small business’ sales by giving your customers what they really want: knowledge.

Offer an Immersive Experience

Your website will likely be your potential customers’ first stop, so make sure your site is up to par when they get there. A few snapshots and a “buy now” button aren’t going to cut it – instead, provide rich content, including videos, pictures, how-to articles and customer testimonials.

The more in-depth information you can provide, the better. Teach your customers something they didn’t know before they visited your site. Solve a problem for them. When you establish trust and authority before trying to make a sale, they’ll feel more comfortable doing business with your small business!

Provide the Necessary Training

“Some assembly required” might be the most angering phrase in the English language. Few things are more frustrating than eagerly awaiting your new whatchamacallit, only to be faced with eight hours’ worth of hard labor to get it in usable condition.

Solve this problem for your customers before it starts by providing all of the necessary training prior to the sale. Educate them on how to put it together, how to make it turn on, how to care for it, etc. The more information they have, the more confident they become that your small business is the correct choice.

Offer Options

Showing off your competition’s wares may seem counterproductive, but if you’re positive that you have them beat, there’s no harm in helping to convince your customers of that fact!

Do a bit of A/B testing with some of your competitors’ offerings. Test things such as strength, durability and longevity. While you definitely don’t want to be dishonest or disparage their product or service (which not only looks bad, but can actually get you in legal hot water!), a little comparison might help you make the sale.

Now more than ever, consumers want all the information up front before they commit to sealing the deal. Take the time to educate your small business’ customers on your products and services and you’ll reap the rewards.

Would you like some additional education on our marketing services for small businesses? Give us a shout, and we’ll show you why we’re the best choice for your small business’ marketing needs!