
3 Zany Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

If a magical marketing solution that works for all small businesses existed, we’d shout it from the rooftops. (We want your company to succeed without having to try too hard!)

Unfortunately, no such thing exists.

There are plenty of reasons why some marketing tactics might not work for your small business. Cost, time, brand incompatibility … the list goes on. Oftentimes, the best thing to do is devise your own strategy. And it might be quirky or even seem downright insane … but if it works, it works!

We’ve talked before about guerrilla marketing tactics: low-cost, outside-the-box strategies to draw potential customers to your door. But we have a few more quirky, unconventional marketing ideas for small businesses.

1. Throw a Party

Open houses are so passé. Styrofoam coffee cups and grocery store cookies do not make a grand impression. Instead, throw a party for your small business’ customers! Streamers, balloons, product giveaways and rockin’ tunes – the more festive, the better. Everyone loves a celebration, so spread the word on social media about the soirée and invite people in.

2. Play Hide and Seek

This is a fun social media game that involves hiding an employee somewhere in your city and posting real-time status updates with clues to his/her whereabouts. Offer prizes to the first five, 10 or 15 people who find your employee and give him/her a secret code word or phrase.

3. Find Your Biggest Fan

People will go to crazy lengths for a prize — use this fact to your advantage. Devise a contest that rewards your customers for finding the most creative way to spread the word about your small business. Will they dress up in full costume and dance with a sign on a street corner? Will they deck out their car in your small business’ magnets? Or maybe they’ll even get a tattoo featuring your company’s name or logo. It’s fun to see how much your customers love your small business…and their antics are great marketing!

These small business marketing tactics might sound a bit crazy. But it’s OK to be odd because odd stands out. Odd is memorable. Odd stands out from the competition.

Looking for a little more craziness? Mischa Communications has it. Drop us a line, and we’ll help you devise a wonderfully wacky marketing strategy for your small business.