
Make It Memorable Marketing: David’s Picks

This is the fourth and final article in our Make It Memorable Marketing series in which Mischa staffers share their favorite marketing campaigns, and how they can be applied to your business. Be sure to Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to get more innovative marketing tips for your small or mid-size business.

Marketing is not one size fits all, and what works for one company isn’t necessarily the best idea for another. Yet there are some commonalities in the following companies’ campaigns — aside from the fact that they all make me laugh or say, “I wish I’d thought of that” — that may be worth replicating in your small business’ marketing efforts.

State Farm
Jerry Newman has participated in some automobile accidents that most of us haven’t. He’s also made the same mistake that many consumers have. He dumped his State Farm Insurance for a cheaper company. The problem for Jerry is that his new insurance company doesn’t have the top-flight customer service that Jessica at State Farm offers. So whether Jerry’s up a tree or stuck in a ditch, he’s out of luck with his new carrier. Jerry makes me laugh, but others think Jerry is annoying. I don’t care which he invokes in you; the fact is that Jerry stimulates strong emotions. What emotions does your marketing campaign inspire? Whether they’re positive or negative, generating a strong response can be an extremely effective tactic.

One of the best campaigns in the history of forever is Apple’s “Hello, I’m a Mac and I’m a PC” series. This played out over a number of years with many different versions of the same theme. The Mac and the PC had a conversation, which inevitably led to the PC explaining why it was inferior to the Mac. The spots accomplished two strategic points: they consistently pointed out why the Mac was superior, and they didn’t back down from controversy. I’m a Jersey guy, so I don’t mind raising my voice to get a point across, especially if it’s true. What makes your marketing stand out from the competition? If the answer is “nothing,” you need to rethink your strategy or ask us for help!

The Chevy Silverado “Strong” commercial might be one of the most powerful, yet subtle campaigns this year. Backed by a country music soundtrack combined with photography of tough guys, tough terrain and tough jobs, this spot doesn’t even mention the Silverado until the final frame. There is a confidence that the truck speaks for itself. At the end of the spot, I wanted to go out and drive a Chevy Silverado. What makes your marketing unique and memorable? Find something, anything, that makes people remember your business. If you don’t, the money you invest in your marketing efforts is going to waste.

Mischa Communications can help your business develop marketing strategies and campaigns that strike a cord with your customers. Give us a call at 202-596-7804 or drop us a line at to find out more about our marketing and ideation services.