
3 Attraction Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Pretend you’re buying a car. The first lot features a guy with slicked-back hair and expensive Italian loafers who trails you around the lot and pushes the sale, talking fast and insisting the deal won’t last. He is the physical embodiment of pursuit marketing.

Now imagine another, gentler salesman on the second lot. He takes the time to understand your needs, gives you detailed information about fuel mileage, warranty and performance, then leaves you alone to make your decision after answering all of your questions. In short, he has “attracted” you.

Which one will you buy from?

While pursuit marketing can work well for bigger businesses with an already established audience, attraction marketing is a great choice for small business owners. Here’s how to make it work for you.

1. Show, Don’t Tell

Flashy gimmicks and rock-bottom prices won’t work if you don’t already have your customers’ trust, so don’t waste your time “telling” them about your fantastic product. Show them instead!

Hold an informational seminar, host a live Q&A on your website or offer regular blog posts about your products, services or industry. When you take the time to solve a problem or teach your customers something new, you establish a relationship – and people will generally buy from someone they know rather than someone they don’t.

2. Master Social Media

The great thing about social media platforms is that they allow your content to be shared widely by your fans. It’s fairly easy to build an audience from virtually nothing when you’re regularly posting rich, informative (and yes, even entertaining!) content.

Encourage your existing fans to share with their friends and followers, and don’t forget to regularly interact with your social media pages. A personal “voice” goes a long way toward convincing people that your small business is the one to buy from.

3. Create a Referral Program

A referral program is a great way to attract more people to your small business without doing a whole lot. Word of mouth spreads quickly, and if you already have satisfied customers, you may as well use them to your advantage.

Offer a bonus to existing customers who bring in someone new. A prize, discount or even cold, hard cash will provide some added incentive for them to recommend you to their friends and family – and it’s a small price to pay to get people to come directly to you!

Don’t waste your time marketing to people who aren’t interested in what your small business is selling. Instead, concentrate on appealing to the people who are genuinely interested in buying.

If you’re looking to attract more customers, let Mischa Communications be your magnet! Drop us a line and let us help tailor your strategy – no “pursuit” necessary.