We talk a lot about content creation: why it’s important, how to get more likes and shares, and even how to tailor it to different audiences.
Original content deserves a place of honor in any marketing strategy. But if you’re short on time, money, ideas or all of the above, content curation is a viable option.
Content curation involves using content others have created to supplement your own content. You’re creating very little yourself; you’re sharing someone else’s thoughts, ideas or opinions with your own audience because you think it will resonate with them.
It’s similar to sharing a friend’s TikTok video or Facebook post on social media. And done correctly, content curation can create a buzz around your brand without a ton of effort on your part.
Advantages of Content Curation
1. Reduces Time, Effort and Moolah
Every piece of content you produce has a cost, whether it’s the time it takes to create it, the energy you need to put into it, or the cash you have to spend to have someone else do it for you. Content curation can significantly decrease that price.
2. Adds Variety to Your Content Calendar
You can only say the same thing the same way so many times before your audience gets bored. Giving someone else a voice adds a breath of fresh air to what can sometimes become a stale content calendar.
3. Puts You in Touch With New Marketers
When you link to someone else’s content (and let them know about it), you’re forging new relationships. You never know when one of your new business buddies will help you out in a pinch, give you a dose of inspiration or otherwise come in handy.
4. Positions You as a Leading Authority
In marketing, thought leadership is huge. But there’s nothing that says every thought needs to be your thought. Content curation shows your audience that you’re in tune with your industry as a whole, not just your little piece of it. That lends legitimacy to your brand and positions you as someone people can trust.
Drawbacks of Content Curation
1. Can Be Construed as “Lazy”
While some of your audience will find value in content created “outside the house,” others might think you’re taking the easy road, especially if you rely on it too often.
2. Could Send the Wrong Signal
Sharing curated content could cause people to think you’re not qualified to speak on the subject yourself and must rely on other brands to do it for you.
3. Some Businesses May Take Umbridge
As long as you’re giving credit where credit is due, you won’t run afoul of any laws, but that doesn’t mean that every business thinks sharing is caring. Some might make a stink if their content is used without their approval.
Content Curation Tips
A few suggestions for doing it right:
- Aim for the right ratio. Most major marketers aim to have at least 60% original content, with the remaining 40% a blend of curated and syndicated content.
- Only curate content worth sharing. Sharing just any old content won’t do. Be sure your curated content is well-sourced and provides value to your audience.
- Track your curated content’s performance just like you’d track original content. Even though you didn’t create the content yourself, you still need to know how it’s performing. Just because something did well for the original poster doesn’t necessarily mean it will work for your audience.
- Be a good internet citizen. Always cite your sources, link back to the original content and tag the OP (original poster). You don’t want to get a reputation for taking credit for someone else’s work!
Should You Experiment With Content Curation?
Content curation is a good way for marketing departments to bulk up their content marketing efforts. However, it is not a substitute for content creation. When used responsibly alongside your original content, it can help fill some gaps and free up precious resources.
Whether you want to create or curate, Mischa Communications can help. Let’s find the sweet spot for your content marketing strategy. Ready to get started?