We’ve (almost) made it through another year. You’ve survived all of the punches thrown your way, from inflation to supply-chain shortages to staffing snafus. As we edge closer to the winter holidays, there’s nothing left for you to do but pour another mug of eggnog, prop your feet up and bask in the joy of the season.
Oh … and create your 2023 marketing plan. You can’t forget that part.
If you haven’t started strategizing for next year, don’t panic — but don’t put it on the back burner, either. Starting 2023 with a plan in hand will save plenty of headache down the line.
And we’re here to help you out!
Your 2023 Marketing To-Do List
Create a Budget
Marketing costs money. And as we all know, money is an irritatingly finite resource. So in marketing, like with many other aspects of business, it’s important to spend your dollars and cents wisely.
To set your budget, decide on the total amount you can afford to put towards your 2023 marketing efforts. Then, allocate percentages of that amount toward your different channels based on how effective they are. If most of your leads come from social media, for instance, you’ll want to set aside a bigger percentage for that than you do for say, direct mail.
Plan to review your marketing budget on a quarterly basis to make sure you’re staying on track and reallocate and/or reassess funds as needed throughout the year.
Set Short, Mid- and Long-Term Goals
Without goals, your business isn’t going to go very far.
Your 2023 marketing plan should lay out what you want to achieve throughout the year. Short-term goals (accomplished in a matter of weeks), mid-term goals (accomplished in a matter of months) and long-term goals (accomplished in six months to a year) all need to be included in your strategy.
Use the S.M.A.R.T. method for your goal setting. S.M.A.R.T. goals are:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Relevant
- Time-bound
“I want to sell more stuff” is great if you’re throwing pennies into a wishing well, but it’s not really a goal. “We want to sell X more units of Y product in Q2 than we did in Q1, which will bring in $Z” is much better.
Mark Your Calendar
This time of year, everyone from your insurance agent to your dentist is handing out calendars like they’re candy. We say grab one — and spend some time planning out your 2023 events.
Holidays are a no-brainer. You’ll likely want to run promotions around major holidays at a minimum, and depending on your business, some of the minor ones, too.
Next, look at things from a seasonal/industry perspective. If you sell snowshoes, you’ll definitely want to up your marketing efforts when the weather turns cold. Or if you service air conditioners, plan for your business to pick up when the mercury starts to rise.
If you have a brick-and-mortar location, you’ll want to take into account community events, as well. Trade shows, conferences, fairs, festivals, concerts and parades provide plenty of opportunities to get your business in front of more people, so save those dates too. (Your local chamber of commerce is a great place to get the details on local happenings.)
Pick Your Marketing Partners
There’s no wrong time to get started with a top-notch marketing agency. (Click here for a shameless plug.) But as far as “right” time goes, the beginning of the year is pretty close to perfect.
By choosing your 2023 marketing partner now, you’ll be able to start fresh as soon as the New Year’s bells ring out, and you can tailor your strategy straight through to 2024.
Thinking about outsourcing your marketing? Here are some questions to ask potential agencies.
Here’s to a Successful 2023!
The year is winding down, but don’t start your long winter’s nap until you’ve nailed down your marketing plan for 2023. The more thought you put into it now, the more successful you’ll be next year!
At Mischa Communications, our only goal is to get your small business further down the road. We can navigate, help you steer, or take over the driving altogether – the choice is yours. Let us know what you need!