If you’re still on the fence about the effectiveness of video for your small business, here are some quick stats that might help you make your decision:
- Eighty-five percent of U.S. internet users watch online videos, with 45 percent of them watching an hour or more of YouTube and/or Facebook videos each week.
- Ninety-two percent of people who watch internet videos on their mobile devices share them with their friends — in fact, social media video garners 12 times as many shares as pictures and text put together.
- More video content being uploaded each month than major television networks have generated in the past 30 years.
Now that we’ve established that internet video isn’t just a passing fad, it’s time to talk about how your small business can use it to your best advantage — specifically, what kind of videos you should be creating. Here are some jumping-off points.
Product Assembly Videos
If you’ve ever assembled a piece of furniture, you know how frustrating the instructions can be. Where does this go? How does that fit? Tables arestill supposed to have four legs, aren’t they?
If you sell a product that needs to be assembled, shoot a video of you or one of your employees setting it up in real time. It will cut down on frustrated customer service calls and returns, and your customers will have a visual that they can pause or rewind as they go through the steps. Everyone wins!
Product Demonstration Videos
Even if your product doesn’t require assembly, it’s still a great idea to show your customers how it operates. How do you change the batteries? How do you clean the filter? What special features does it have that might impress buyers?
These videos work on at least two levels: They show existing customers how to operate and care for their product, and they entice potential customers to make a purchase after seeing the product in action.
How-To Videos
Chances are good that your blog has more than a few how-to posts. Why not turn some of them into videos? You’ll reach a broader audience (not everyone loves scrolling through walls of text, after all) and add a personal touch that words alone can’t offer.
Whether you’re teaching your viewers how to winterize their RV, bake a cherry tart or replace a toilet flange, the important thing is that they come away from the video knowing more than they knew when they hit play!
Behind-the-Scenes Videos
Give your viewers a glimpse of what your small business does on a daily basis. This could amount to something as simple as a quick tour of your facility, or something as in-depth as a series of “How It’s Made”-type videos showcasing your products.
These videos are also a great way to introduce your audience to your team. Customers are more likely to make a purchase when they feel like they “know” you, and putting faces and voices to names and titles helps humanize the buying process.
Lights, Camera, Action!
Video isn’t going anywhere. In fact, it’s only going to become more popular as time goes on. Adding video to your content strategy now can help you reach a whole new audience!
Are you ready to take your small business marketing to the next level? Reach out to us today! Mischa Communications has just what you need to stay one step ahead of the competition and drive traffic directly to your small business.