content development

What Is Ghostwriting (And Should My Business Use It?)


We’re smack dab in the middle of spooky season, so it seems like an appropriate time to talk about a very specific type of creature known to haunt (well, help, actually) the marketing world: the ghostwriter.

Ghostwriting has been around since ancient times when kings and clergymen hired scribes to record their spoken words.

In the modern era, they’re regularly employed by politicians, musicians, celebrities and even best-selling authors. James Patterson, for instance, is very open about collaborating with ghostwriters to help him write his books. Tom Clancy, who passed in 2013, did so too.

But what exactly is ghostwriting, what are the benefits of using a ghostwriter, and does this practice have a place in your marketing strategy? Let’s find out.

Ghostwriters: The Friendliest Ghosts You Know

When it comes to marketing, many people think ghostwriters only handle blog posts. But they have plenty of other uses:

If there are words involved, a ghostwriter typically can help.

The Benefits of Ghostwriting

Now that we’ve dispelled the myth that ghostwriters only write blog posts, let’s look at some of the ways they can benefit your business. Ghostwriting can:

#1: Save You Time and Effort

Chances are you already have plenty on your plate. When you employ a ghostwriter, you can stop spending hours hunched over your keyboard and start spending that time focusing on other tasks that are more suited to your skills.

#2: Provide Better Content

Many business owners are competent enough writers, but ghostwriters are professionals. Thus, they’ll be able to provide your audience with first-rate content that increases engagement and helps you stand out as a thought leader in your industry.

#3: Improve SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing go hand in hand. Ghostwriters aren’t just there to write pretty words — they’re can also put their SEO skills to use to ensure your content is as attractive to Google as it is to your audience.

#4: Enhance Creativity

When you’re staring at the same four walls day in and day out, its easy to get stuck in a rut. Whether you’re facing a lack of ideas or a lack of creativity, ghostwriters can breathe life into content creation by looking at it from the outside in. A little difference in perspective can go a long way!

#5: Expertly Mimic Your Tone

Worried that your fans and followers will be turned off by your use of ghostwriting? Don’t be! Ghostwriters are experts at replicating the brand voice you’ve carefully crafted over the years. And that means you’ll be able to maintain the consistency your audience has grown to love.

Does Your Business Need a Ghostwriter?

If you’re short on time, having trouble producing high-level content, or simply out of your element as a would-be wordsmith, ghostwriting can be a fantastic addition to your marketing strategy. This type of ghost isn’t scary at all!

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