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Small Business Marketing Firms Save You Time and Money

It’s the marketing equivalent of the chicken and the egg: To make money, you have to spend money — but how can you spend money if you haven’t made any?

Here’s a little secret: While bringing a small business marketing firm on board does cost some money, it’s not as much of a financial outlay as you might expect. In fact, if you do your research, it can be downright affordable for your pocketbook and your pocket watch.

Be Honest With Yourself…And Your Firm

Most small business owners have big dreams. It’s sort of a prerequisite for the job. And while it’s advisable to shoot for the proverbial stars, it’s also important to be realistic.

While it’s tempting to go all out and spend a ton of money on marketing, don’t do it. Be honest about what your small business’ immediate needs. Are you fantastic at social media, but need a help writing weekly blog posts? Do you have a wonderful website but a woeful logo?

A good small business marketing firm won’t make you to hand over every component of your marketing effort. Instead, it should work as an extension of your small business, and help you promote your products or services, while being mindful of your budget.

Put a Price on Your Time

Time is money…and that’s especially true for small businesses. Each moment you spend futilely trying to improve on your latest failed marketing attempt is a moment you’re not spending on what you do best – running your business.

When you hire a marketing firm take some tasks off your to-do list, you’re effectively paying yourself. Your time is valuable, and probably worth more per hour than the marketing firm charges.

Pick the “Right” One

Outsourcing some or all of your small business marketing is a big decision. An ineffective firm won’t save you anything, so make sure you do your research and choose one with a proven track record.

At Mischa Communications, we have more than two decades of combined experience helping small businesses create, implement and maintain their marketing strategies. Whether you’re looking for a nudge in the right direction or need a complete marketing strategy, we can help! Drop us a line to learn more about our small business marketing services.