2020 (to be known henceforth as The Year That Shall Not Be Named) has left the building. And we sincerely hope the door hit it you-know-where on its way out. A bright, shiny new year stretches ahead of us, filled with potential.
Not sure what to do with all that potential? Try some (or all) of these hard-hitting marketing ideas and start 2021 off right!
15 Marvelous Marketing Ideas
Explore New Social Media Platforms
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn might be the gold standard, but that’s no excuse to ignore other social media platforms like Reddit, Pinterest and even MySpace. (Yes, really.)
Try New Content Options
Getting bored with blogging? Guides, infographics, podcasts, white papers, eBooks and memes are great alternative content options that can help you resonate with different subsections of your audience.
Track the Competition
You can’t get the competitive edge unless you know what the competition is doing, so don your cloak and dagger and do a bit of espionage. What are they doing that you’re not doing? More importantly: What could you be doing that they’re not?
Go Guerrilla
Want to make some waves? Give guerrilla marketing a shot. This low-cost tactic utilizes surprise to bring attention to your small business.
Create a Hashtag
Give your marketing message a longer reach by creating a brand-specific hashtag people can use when talking about your business online.
Invest in Business Cards
Despite what you might have heard, the business card is not dead — it’s just evolving. And it’s still one of the cheapest physical marketing tools you can find. Make sure you have a stack on hand.
Offer Up Some Sweet Swag
Who doesn’t love free stuff? From pens to hats and wall calendars to logo-branded golf balls, giving away some company swag makes your customers happy and can turn them into walking billboards for your business!
Get Official Awards
Want to lend your business some credibility? Nominate yourself for an award. Sure, the competition is fierce for some, but others fly under the radar. A simple search for “small business awards” should be enough to get you started.
Sponsor Contests
Sponsoring community contests with donated products or services is a nice way to earn yourself some good karma, not to mention beef up your brand recognition.
Conduct a Survey
What do your customers really think about your small business? Ask them! Their responses can show you what you’re doing correctly and help you figure out where you can improve. (Don’t forget to offer them a little something for their troubles.)
Try Niche Print Media
If you haven’t given print ads a chance, now is the time. Niche print media (think magazines or trade journals) can work incredibly well for some small businesses.
Put Yourself on the Map
Take some time to create (or update) your Google Maps listing to lead people straight to your brick-and-mortar store.
Help a Reporter Out
Could you use some free press? Help a Reporter Out (HARO) is a site where journalists can go when they’re hard up for stories. Simply input some basics about your small business and, if a reporter thinks it’s relevant to a story they’re writing, they can get in touch with you. The basic subscription is free!
Volunteer Your Time
If you’re looking to get publicity and give back to your community, volunteering is just the ticket. You’ll make new connections while establishing yourself as a small business owner who cares.
Team Up with a Marketing Pro
There are tons of ways to market yourself, but if you lack the time, energy, know-how or desire, there are plenty of people (like Mischa Communications) who are willing to do it for you. Hiring a marketing agency can definitely pay off!
It’s a new year, so why not embrace new marketing avenues for your small business? There’s no better time to get started!
Ready to forget The Year That Shall Not Be Named and show 2021 who’s the boss? We are, too. Make your move!